Why choose us?
- Ibec knows business
- Our training has applied relevance
- We share emergent thinking and real life examples
- We offer accredited development programmes with our strategic partner, Technological University Dublin

Ibec Knows Business
- Ibec has an extensive history in the area of business knowledge, industry collaboration and management expertise, all of which informs the programmes we deliver
- We know the real issues that employers face every day as we advise and represent companies ensuring the learning is real and impactful
Applied Relevance
- A key focus of all of our development programmes is to ensure the learning is applied and makes a real impact in the workplace
- We work hard to ensure the learning is embedded quickly and makes a positive difference
Emergent Thinking & Real Life Examples
- As part of our programme design, real life examples of best practice are shared by our trainers and subject matter experts, many of whom advise and represent companies every day
- We share many of our Ibec reports, surveys, current and emergent thinking
Featured Programmes
Discover our upcoming programmes
Advancing Leadership with Ibec Academy
The daa case study in customised training for leadership, management and graduate development
Our clients


Accredited Partner
Collaborating since 2008, to deliver pragmatic education to support careers and organisational development