This programme is designed to give HR professionals a high-level view of employment Law. It will provide an up-to-date view of Employment Law including new changes to
legislation, new case law and new codes of practice.
At the end of the programme participants will:
- Understand the complex area of employment law including all of the updates that have arisen over the past few years
- Have the ability to develop strong policies and procedures and templates that may be needed in their organisation
- Recognise areas for improvement and update within their own organisations
- Ensure that their organisation is compliant with employment law and is prepared for an inspection
- Have the ability to deal with complex employment law issues that may arise in their workplace
- Be in a position to advise senior management on how to deal with issues as they arise internally within the company
- Have the confidence to deal with new areas of employment law that will arise in the future
This programme is for:
HR professionals and senior people within organisations with responsibility for the area of HR who require an up to date and current view of Employment Law.
This programme will be highly interactive with case studies, examples of new cases and scenarios and with questions and answers sessions peppered throughout the training to ensure all questions are answered. This programme will be delivered by programme directors who deal with employment law issues on a daily basis.
Programme Schedule
- Contracts
- Terms of Employment Information Acts
- Minimum Notice legislation
- Atypical Workers
- Independent Contractors
- Part-time Work
- Fixed term workers
- Temporary Agency Workers
- Banded hours Workers
Employment Equality and Recruitment Processes
- Employment Equality Act
- Discrimination
- Harassment and Bullying (new Code of Practice)
- Victimisation
- Recruitment and Selection
- Application Form
- Interviews
- Preemployment checks
- References
- Data Protection – GDPR
Employee Relations and Working Time
- Employee Relations
- Grievances
- Overview of trade unions and recognition
- Workplace Relations Commission
- Labour Court
- Organisation of Working Time Act
- Working time
- Rest breaks
- Annual Leave and Public holiday
- Right to Disconnect
Family Friendly Rights and Protective Leaves
- Maternity Leave
- Adoptive Leave
- Parental leave and Force Majeure
- Carers Leave
- Paternity Leave
- Parents Leave
- Jury Duty
- Work Life Balance
- Mobile Working / Working from home / Flexible working
Maintaining the Employment Relationship
- Health and Safety
- Workplace Stress
- Protected Disclosures
- Transfer of Undertakings
Discipline and Dismissals
- The Unfair Dismissals Acts
- Probation
- Substantive / Procedures
- Constructive Dismissals
- The rules of natural justice
- Poor performers including sick leave and capability
- Gross misconduct
- Conducting Investigations
- Working from home
- Covid related – breach of company protocols or government guidance
Programme Director
Claire Jones
Claire is a Senior Executive with Ibec Academy. Claire has worked in Ibec for more than 20 years and worked in the Legal Department within Ibec prior to moving into Ibec Academy. Claire is currently lead trainer and course Director on a number of diploma, certificate and short programmes for Ibec Academy. She specialises in the areas of employment law, human resource management and industrial relations.