This accredited programme provides participants the opportunity to develop their management, leadership and interpersonal skills in a real and practical way, ensuring the learning is impactful and applied.
To be eligible to receive the accreditation award from TU Dublin, 100% course attendance is required.
Assessment – To successfully complete this award, students will be required to pass their learning journal for each day of the programme and a quiz on the content of each module.
At the end of the programme participants will:
- Gain an insight into their own behavioural style and approach to others by carrying out a detailed personality profile
- Develop the key communications skills and the confidence to use them
- Improve personal presentation skills through practice and feedback
- Develop and improve key management skills, motivation, managing meetings and team building
- Manage their time more effectively
- Develop a greater understanding of their own preferred interactive style and recognise the dynamics of interpersonal relationships
This programme is for:
Managers and supervisors who want to develop their people management skills further in core areas of leadership, influencing others and building on personal style and approach.
This programme consists of four modules to enable participants to practice the cores skills of management. All presenters on the programme are practitioners who deal with a variety of real-life situations on a daily basis. Extensive use is made of practical exercises, case studies and role-plays to secure a high level of discussion and self-learning. A large proportion of the time is spent discussing issues to ensure a thorough understanding of the key points and their application. Actual case histories are used to draw up the case studies and role-plays.
Programme Schedule
The Role of the Manager
- Managing Vs operating
- Identifying vital management skills
- Your leadership style
- Personality testing
- Understanding behaviour and its effects
- Communication Skills
- Skills of communication
- Personal style
- How to become a more effective communicator
Managing Performance and Presentation Skills
- Managing your own performance
- Target setting
- Giving feedback
- Influencing others
- Taking corrective action
- Dealing with conflict
- Delegating effectively
- How to make a powerful presentation
- Practice skills
- Communicating with confidence Motivation
- Your own interactive style
- Styles to develop
- Behaviours to develop
Time Management/Stress Management
- Identifying time wasters/stressors
- How you can manage your time more effectively
- Gaining control
- Managing meetings
- Chairing a meeting
- Stages of the meeting
- Skills to conduct a meeting effectively
- Effective Team Building
- Effective teams
- Key skills
- Stages in team development
Accredited Partner
Collaborating since 2008 to deliver pragmatic education to support careers and organisational development

Programme Facilitator
Tony Devitt
Tony is an Ibec associate trainer with 30 years management experience in Retail/Retail Catering, Leisure, Shopping Centres, High Street, UK Local Government and Airports. Now working with Ibec he provides valuable input and expertise with his excellent training style and strong interpersonal skills.
He has extensive training and management experience and worked in many countries designing, delivering and implementing programmes relating to corporate culture and business practice. A respected Trainer and Consultant in the area of Retailing and Management he is often sought after to work with companies because of his particular views and experience in ‘soft skill’ areas.